Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta


Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

Second book in the Young Jedi Knights series. 

Mentions of slavery

Jaina, Jacen, Lowbacca, and Lowbacca's translation Droid, Em-Teedee are off to visit Lando Calrissian's newest venture. Corusca gem mining at Yavin. Meanwhile, Tenel Ka is unhappily waiting for a visit from a Hapes ambassador sent by her grandmother.
While on the mining station, a group of Imperials bust in and kidnap the Young Jedi. When Lando notifies Luke of the news, Luke and Tenel Ka are off on a rescue mission.
Jaina, Jacen and Lowie are taken to the Shadow Academy. A dark Jedi training academy ran by Brakiss, someone from Luke's past, and Tamith Kai, a nightsister from Dathomir. Qorl, the TIE pilot from the last book is also there. 

Plot is good. Characters are great. Luke is a bit of a troll and I love him. Villains are villainous. Though… I cannot take Brakiss seriously. I know (or at least hope) I am pronouncing his name wrong but I refuse to look up how to actually pronounce it. His name is fucking stupid. Sorry to whoever named this character, but his name sounds like something a character in a romance novel would do before kissing nipples. 

There was a bit in the beginning of the book where Jacen is telling Luke that he is ready to learn to use a lightsaber and he mentions that he is tall enough. Did Luke put height restrictions on lightsabers? Rude, Luke. 

Also, there was a bit that had me fucking laughing so hard. Brakiss hurt Jaina, so Lowie starts throwing benches, as one does. A group of Stormtroopers arrive. Lowie hits them with a bench, they fall down. Another group arrives behind that group and trips over the first group. Third group arrives at another door. Lowie hits them with a bench. First group gets back up, tries to hit Lowie with some stun bolts, hits the bench Lowie is holding. He throws that. They're down again. The third group gets back to their feet, fires at Lowie, but he's bent over to get another bench, so the blaster bolts go over him and hit the second group of Stormtroopers. There were little dark Jedi wannabes running around in terror and Brakiss was telling everyone to calm down. And no one was calming down. It was fucking great. Five star fight scene. 

Great book. Sadly, I had to repair my copy multiple times while I was reading. Starting to think it is more tape than book at this point. But, it is still readable so I'm good. Which I hope it holds together for a bit longer.

“Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.” 

– Stephen Fry

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Horror Movie Challenge

I found this on Pintrest and then hunted it down and found the original here

Day 1
First Horror Movie You Saw
No idea. But I do remember watching Killer Klowns From Outer Space when I was quite young. My older brothers had me convinced it was based on a true story and I was scared of clowns from that day on.

Day 2
Last Horror Movie You Saw
Watched both It movies and the mini-series in the past week. Oh gods. All were so good.

Day 3
Movie You Love No One Else Does
I honestly have no idea on most people's opinions. I know my friends opinions and we have similar opinions about horror movies.

Day 4
Goriest Horror Movie
I dunno. I'm not a big fan of gory horror movies so my brain doesn't remember them well.

Day 5
Favorite Horror Movie
I'm gonna say The Conjuring. It's the one I constantly rewatch when I'm in the mood for something spooky.

Day 6
Funniest Horror Movie
Shaun of the Dead

Day 7
Worst Horror Sequel
Nothing comes to mind... Everything I can think of that has sequels I either enjoyed or haven't watched yet. 

Day 8
Best Horror Movie Reboot
I was going to say Pet Semetary but I think that falls under a remake not a reboot. I dunno. 

Day 9
Best Horror Villain
I'm gonna say Pennywise/It mostly because I just watched those movies. But... He is a good villain. Fucking terrifying.

Day 10
Movie You Hate Everyone Loves
I didn't like the Exorcist but it seems to be well-liked by other people that aren't me or my friend Erica. Erica agrees with me. It was boring.

Day 11
Worst Horror Ending
I got nothing. Like, I can think of plenty of endings that made me unhappy, but they were still good endings for the movie. 

Day 12
Least Favorite Horror Movie
The Exorcist. I just didn't find it that entertaining.

Day 13
Movie You Have Not Seen
This would be a massive list... 

Day 14
Best Horror Sequels
The Conjuring sequels come to mind. As does Doctor Sleep.

Day 15
Worst Horror Movie Reboot
I don't know. I can't think of a reboot that I saw both the reboot and the original and disliked the reboot.

Day 16
Worst Horror Acting
The Breed. The 2001 movie with Bai Ling not the 2006 movie with Michelle Rodriguez. The plot of the Breed was pretty interesting. But the acting was just... Not good.

Day 17
Cheesiest Horror Movie
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
I'm counting that because my dumbass had to look up what counted as a cheesy horror movie and this was on the list and was like "Oh yeah! Loved that movie!"

Day 18
Worst Horror Movie Plot
I don't know. I even asked Ryan but we still have nothing.

Day 19
Best Horror Soundtrack
Does the Crow count as a horror movie? If so, the first Crow soundtrack. If not... Bride of Chucky soundtrack.

Day 20
Most Shocking Horror Movie
I'm gonna say Where's Rose just because that movie is super fresh in my mind and the twist shocked me. I have a bad tendency to figure out plot twists before they are revealed and no part of me thought that shit was gonna happen.

Day 21
Best 70s Horror Movie
(for reference for the next few questions - I do not keep track or remember when anything was released. Except for Korn's first album... And the first Star Wars movie... So for these I just looked up "--s horror movies" and picked a random one I enjoyed... So... don't come at me because I picked the "wrong" movie. Fuck you)
Carrie (1976)

Day 22
Best 80s Horror Movie
Pet Semetary (1989)

Day 23
Best 90s Horror Movie
Oh gods. This one is hard. I'm going to go with The Haunting (1999) for one major reason - memories of watching it the first time with my cousin and it actually scared us. 

Day 24
Best 00s Horror Movie
The Others (2001)
I still adore this movie. Just a nice spooky movie. Fantastic.

Day 25
Best Childhood Horror Movie
Ummm... Casper?

Day 26
Best Horror Genre
I had to ask Ryan what horror genre "spooky ghosty" movies fall under. He said "haunting" so I'm going to say that.

Day 27
Best Holiday Horror Movie

Day 28
Best Stephen King Movie
Just gonna go with It and It Chapter Two. Mostly because I just watched them and they are still fresh in my brain. But they were also fucking excellent movies.

Day 29
Best True Events Movie
The Conjuring

Day 30
Scariest Horror Movie
Wrong Turn.
And I say this not because the movie actually scared me, but immediately after watching the movie with my brother and some of his friends, they decided we should go off-roading on some West Virginian back roads. And we got stuck. For hours. In the dark. And one of his friends kept making comments about inbred cannibalistic rednecks were going to come eat us. So, yeah.

And done. This actually took a while for me to fill out cause I couldn't remember horror movies. But this was fun to fill out. See y'all next week.

“I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shishkabobs.”
-Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta


Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

This book is the first in a series that focuses on Jaina and Jacen, Han and Leia's twin children. And their friends Tenel Ka and Lowbacca. And their adventures.

In this book, Jaina, Jacen, and Tenel Ka are all friends attending Luke's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. One day, Han and Chewie show up with a new student, Lowbacca, Chewie's nephew. For some reason, Chewie gives his nephew a T-23 skyhopper (a little speeder... Remember the model ship that Luke was playing with at the beginning of A New Hope? Kind of like that).

While Lowie was out in the T-23, he spotted something in the forest surrounding the Academy. The next day he took the twins and Tenel Ka out to see what it was. It was a crashed TIE Fighter. And Jaina decides she's going to fix it. As the group works to repair the old ship, the pilot is watching them. It ends up he was a survivor of the Battle of Yavin and has been hiding out in the forests for the past 20 years. He also thinks there is still a rebel base on the moon. 

Everything works out and the book ends with a lovely little scene of Luke talking to the kids about how he used to bullseye womp-rats in his T-16 back on Tatooine.

My only real issue with this book is that Jacen and Jaina have been around Chewbacca since birth, but they need a translator to understand him. Which, the need of a translator means that Lowie comes with Em-Teedee, a little translator droid with a lot of C-3PO's personality. But... In my head, Jacen and Jaina should be able to at least partly understand Chewie and Lowie. And Em-Teedee would still be needed for Lowie to communicate with others. But, oh well, a small issue of mine.

Aside from that, the book is great. It's a kids' book so it's just a fun read about kids having adventures. And each of them have solid personalities (and catchphrases). There were plenty of nods to the original trilogy of movies and previous books. It was a solid first book of the series. It gave each of the main characters enough focus that you really got to know each one. Jacen and Jaina did appear in previous books, but I don't think their personalities got fleshed out much. But with these books, you learn that Jacen loves bad jokes and animals. Jaina is a mechanic. You also learn about Tenel Ka (a very serious Princess of Hapes who prefers her Dathomir heritage) and Lowbacca (a loyal and smart Wookiee). 

I think this series was the first Star Wars books I read. I remember them being released around the same time my brother introduced me to Star Wars. And I remember buying them as they came out up until the last three or four. Just got those a few years ago. I fell in love with these books and the characters as a kid. And I still love them. I have a lot of good feelings about these books. 

“An escalator can never break: It can only become stairs. You should never see an ‘Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order’ sign, just ‘Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.'”

-Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

What I'm Watching

Photo by Nothing Ahead

Just a quick refresher for anyone that forgot:

With the new year, I got back into scheduling what I watch. By that I mean, each day I focus on one streaming service or watching DVDs/blu-rays I own. I started doing this years ago and it really helped me to actually finish watching shows instead of just starting something and then going back and watching random shit on YouTube for the next month. Which is what I’ve been doing for the past year, really. So, I’m going to start some posts talking about what I’m watching for each day and my thoughts, and my expectations to actually finish it.




Fraggle Rock
I only have the first two seasons of that show on DVD which makes me sad. Need the rest of them. This show is just pure fun.


Watched a bunch of random stuff. Family Guy, The Simpsons, and Bob’s Burgers mostly. So... cartoons. I watched cartoons.


The Looney Tunes Show.
Finished it. Started it over. I don't know what it is about this show but I am addicted.


Bob’s Burgers.
This show is wholesome as hell, in a weird way. Sort of like The Addams Family with less goth. They're a loving family that ends up doing some weird shit. I love how weird the kids are and how accepting of the weirdness Bob and Linda are. 


All Hail King Julian. 
A few episodes in I remembered there was a Penguins of Madagascar show. Got excited to watch it instead. Realized it wasn’t on Netflix. Went back to King Julian out of spite. Show isn’t bad. Mort is the best part, honestly. Love that little weirdo. But the Penguins show was better in my opinion.


Garfield and Friends.

Still just a nostalgia watch for me. 


I talked about Psych before on a previous post. It's just a show I really enjoy. I put it on a lot as background noise when I'm doing other things but still catch myself getting sucked in a lot.


World’s Scariest Hauntings
Show about haunted places. Not a ghost-hunting show. I don’t watch those. Well, I watch one on YouTube but that’s it. The show basically just talked about haunted places and some supposed hauntings that happened there. I like these kinds of shows. Need more of them.


Boogeymen: Monsters Among Us
Still enjoying this show. I just really like cryptids. 


I skipped VUDU. Was not in the mood to deal with the Winchester family drama.


Watched a few videos from illuminaughti, some from Lazy Game Reviews, a couple North of the Border videos, and a couple from Mr Kravin.

illuminaughti does slight deep dive videos about MLMs, and shitty corporations. She also has a dog that she talks about a lot. Which makes everything better.

I watched LGR open a bunch of weird shit his viewers have sent him.

I watched North of the Border make a Lord of the Rings book nook, a Last of Us Mario mash-up, and a Baby Yoda and a sea monster.

And I watched Mr. Kravin play some horror games. He was a fly in one.

And that's what I've been watching lately. 

“I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn’t have one. So I got a cake.”
-Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Big Book of West Virginia Ghost Stories by Rosemary Ellen Guiley


The Big Book of West Virginia Ghost Stories by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Spooky Shit
The Past Being the Worst

This book is divided into eight sections, so I'm going to go through each section, give some thoughts, and then at the end I'll talk about the book overall. 

The Eastern Panhandle

The Eastern Panhandle is where places such as Harpers Ferry (which was originally Harper's Ferry, I assume the change was made cause apostrophes are hard for West Virginians), Charles Town (not Charleston, that will come up later), Shepherdstown and Berkley Springs. 
Harpers Ferry is supposedly super haunted. And has (had? does it still exist?) one of the oldest ghost tours in America. One of the most notable ghosts in Harpers Ferry is John Brown. Which, if you don't know who that is (do people know who he is? Or is this just my nerdiness about West Virginia history again?) John Brown was an abolitionist that came up with this plan where him and a group of his followers would seize control of the armory in Harpers Ferry. The plan failed by the way. He was captured, put on trial and hung. There are a few hauntings that come from that bit of history. 
Berkeley Springs is also in the Eastern Panhandle. Now, Berkeley (fuck, I cannot spell that fucking place) Springs was originally named Bath after the spa town in England. Berkeley Springs was a spa town because the springs supposedly had health benefits. But that's not the interesting bit. Who cares about rich old white people taking baths? The interesting bit is the castle. Berkeley Castle was built by Samuel Taylor Suit because he had the hots for a 17-year-old (he was like, in his 40s, I think) and she was like "I want a castle." So, he built her a fucking castle. They got married, he died, she started partying in her castle. Now, the castle has ghosts. All of this is lore and speculation. But fuck it is a good story. 

Potomac Highlands

Okay, was anyone going to tell me that Ring Around the Rosie had no connection to the bubonic plague or was I just supposed to find out from reading a book about ghost stories? Also, the British version doesn't have the word "ashes" in it? 
We got Droop Mountain, a tuberculosis sanitarium turned into a prison, Seneca Caverns and Seneca Rocks, a college and a phantom hitchhiker in this section. 
I've been to Seneca Caverns and Seneca Rocks. Did not do any climbing at Seneca Rock. Ew. No. Did buy some random folklore books at the gift shop, though. Which... I do that a lot. If I go to some random place in West Virginia I am searching for the gift shop to buy myself a new book or two about ghosts or folklore or monsters. And my kid usually wants a rock. They like pretty rocks. I do recommend checking both places out though if you like pretty places. Did not see or feel any ghosty things, but still enjoyable trips. 

Mountaineer Country

Oh! This is where I live!
First off, Morgantown takes its name from the Morgan family, who were among the first explorers and settlers in the area. The Morgan family included brothers David and... Zackquill. Yep. That's a name. 
Okay, onto the ghosties.
There is apparently a ghost cow at West Virginia University. The ghost cow is joined by a few other ghosts in the various buildings that make up the university. Cheat Lake is supposedly haunted by two young women who were murdered in 1970. There is a book about the murder that I need to check out. Rivesville supposedly has a headless horseman. Fairmont has a few ghosts, some of which are at Pricketts Fort (I've been there. Didn't see any ghosts. Disappointing). And my favorite ghost story of this section:

The Northern Panhandle

I would like to open this section by saying that Wheeling used to be named Zanesburg. I prefer Zanesburg. It is believed that Wheeling comes from a Lenni-Lenape term that means "place of the head". But... Zanesburg makes me giggle. 

Anyway! Bunch of hauntings in this part of the state. But most importantly, this is where the West Virginia State Penitentiary is. And now I am going to tell you all about the time I spent the night in the haunted prison in Moundsville, West Virginia.

When one of my best friends, Adriane, was getting married, we decided a bachelorette party was needed. She doesn't drink. Neither of us socialize. So, deciding on something to do was difficult. We had the thought of just renting a cabin, hanging out and playing board games. But then I was doing research on random places around the state and came across the information that you could spend the night at the Penitentiary. I said something to her and it was decided. The two of us and her other friend, Jen, were going to get spooked all night. I think it was May when we went up. April or May. We went through the guided tour (which, I have done two other tours of this place, each tour guide is awesome. Tip them cause they are fucking worth it) and then were released to explore on our own. We didn't see a lot. And we also kept getting lost. But it was so much fun. A couple things that did happen was a cold spot outside of the dining room. It happened twice to me. And it was a very noticeable temperature change. I had a very uneasy feeling in the kitchen. So much so that I had to leave. So we didn't explore it much. I refused to go back. While we were up in the infirmary on the second floor of the administration building (I think! I can picture exactly where we were but I cannot remember how we got there or what the places were called), Adriane, Jen and a couple other people that were there were checking out a room and I walked down the hall a few feet. I snapped a picture of a large room and began walking back towards the people and suddenly a loud bang came from the room I just left. We all heard it and tried to recreate the sound (there were random bits laying in the corner and we thought one just fell on its own or something). Couldn't recreate the sound. We left. But the scariest part happened in the dining hall. Adriane, Jen and I were in the large room alone. I was just kind of doing a slow spin as I snapped pictures. Just to see if I got anything cool. Suddenly, the door that led outside started to open! I screamed and tried to hide behind Adriane (which... She is 5 feet tall to my 5 foot 4-ish...). And... And.. In walked two of the other people that were there. Totally awesome night. We had a lot of fun. And I highly recommend checking out any of the tours offered. 

The Mid-Ohio Valley

The Mid-Ohio Valley has Blennerhassett Island. Oh, and the history around that is like a less intense Game of Thrones. Harman Blennerhassett was from Ireland and was a wealthy aristocratic lawyer. When Harman was 31, he stayed with his sister and her husband. One day he was asked to accompany his 18-year-old niece home from school. And... They... fell in love 🤮 They got married and their families were like "Okay. This is bad. No." So, they ran away to America. They buy an island in the Ohio River and build a mansion. More shit happens, most of it unhappy and some of it involving Aaron Burr and treason. Now the island is haunted. As is a hotel in Parkersburg that is named Blennerhassett Hotel, but has no connections to the family. 

Also in the Mid-Ohio Valley is a couple haunted cemeteries, a couple haunted tunnels, and a ghost story that sounds a lot like the story of the Bell Witch. 

Mountain Lakes

The big one in this section is the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Which, I've never been there, but super wanna check out. We also get a nice little history about lobotomies. Which... fuck the past was the worst, right?

Also in this section we have the Headless Ghosts of Braxton County. One of those ghosts is Jacob Beamer. Now, Jacob Beamer sounded like a fun chap. He apparently told stories that his ancestors lived on the moon and traveled among the planets. They were stuck on Earth though. Sadly, this fun chap was wandering around, chatting with the guardian moon ghost, and he got decapitated by a train. Poor Jacob.

Mountain lakes area also has a lot of Civil War soldier ghosts. All of West Virginia does. 

New River-Greenbrier Valley

This area has my favorite ghost story. The Greenbrier Ghost. It combines a ghost story with true crime!

The basic story is that a young lady named Zona Heaster married a man named Trout Shue. After about three months of marriage, Zona ends up dead. Days after her funeral, Zona's mother, Mary, claims to have seen Zona's ghost, who goes into detail about her husband murdering her. With this information, and some other bits of information, they exhume Zona's body and perform an autopsy where they discover she was murdered. Trout was arrested, tried and declared guilty and spent the rest of his life at the West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville. Now, there are quite a few hints and clues that say Mary might have made it all up. But she never changed her story. And even if she did make it up, it's still a entertaining story. 

This area also has the story of John Henry, and supposedly his ghost.

Oh! And the Lake Shawnee Amusement Park. Which, I was watching The Most Terrifying Places in America while reading this. Which this book named in this section. And soon after I finished reading the section about Lake Shawnee, I watched the episode featuring it. All coincidence, but neat. 

Metro Valley

This section starts off with Point Pleasant, but only a small mention of Mothman. Which... Yeah... It's a ghost book not a monster book. I will forgive it. The Tu-Endie-Wei State Park is mentioned. Which I have been there. Didn't see any ghosties, but the view of the river was fucking beautiful so I recommend checking it out just for the view. 

Metro Valley area also has a couple haunted hotels, a haunted bowling alley, the TNT area and a hitchhiking ghost girl. 

Hatfield-McCoy Mountains

The big one in this area is the ghost of Mamie Thurman. Which was more of a story of an unsolved murder and a possible ghost. Also, the corpse might have disappeared. 

Also have a couple haunted cemeteries. And the book ends with the story of a man who might have met the devil. I think he was drunk. The man not Satan. 

My Thoughts

This book felt almost like a history book with some ghost stories thrown in. Which is not a complaint from me. But I did tend to forget it was just about haunted places and would be like "Hey, why didn't she mention _____________." Before I remembered, no ghosts. It was full of history, ghost stories and folklore of West Virginia. So if you're into that, I highly recommend this. The writing is excellent. And there were quite a few times that she would tell a story and mention that it couldn't be proven, or it was just the lore so might not be completely true. The writer threw in her own experiences at some places which I enjoyed, but they weren't the focus. Most of the entries gave a bit of the history of the location and then the ghost stories. And I adored it. And yeah. Some of the ghost stories might not be true, but come on. It's a book about ghosts. 

Also, West Virginia has a shit load of mansions for such a poor state. I think each section had a couple mansions mentioned. And so many hotels listed mentioned rich and famous people who had stayed there. Like, what the fuck? And colleges. I always forget there is more than just WVU and Fairmont State. 

I just looked up the writer, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. I adore her work and wanted to double-check where she is from (I was thinking Maryland for some reason, but I was wrong). And I just learned she passed away in 2019 and now I am sad. She would come to West Virginia and was a speaker at the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant for years. She seemed like a cool lady. I have a few of her books (Monsters of West Virginia, and the Encyclopedias of Ghosts and Spirits, Witches and Witchcraft, and Vampires, Werewolves and other Monsters) and love them all. I recommend all of them, as well as this one. 

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” 
– Stephen King