Wednesday, March 8, 2023

What I'm Watching

Photo by Nothing Ahead

Just a quick refresher for anyone that forgot:

With the new year, I got back into scheduling what I watch. By that I mean, each day I focus on one streaming service or watching DVDs/blu-rays I own. I started doing this years ago and it really helped me to actually finish watching shows instead of just starting something and then going back and watching random shit on YouTube for the next month. Which is what I’ve been doing for the past year, really. So, I’m going to start some posts talking about what I’m watching for each day and my thoughts, and my expectations to actually finish it.




Fraggle Rock
I only have the first two seasons of that show on DVD which makes me sad. Need the rest of them. This show is just pure fun.


Watched a bunch of random stuff. Family Guy, The Simpsons, and Bob’s Burgers mostly. So... cartoons. I watched cartoons.


The Looney Tunes Show.
Finished it. Started it over. I don't know what it is about this show but I am addicted.


Bob’s Burgers.
This show is wholesome as hell, in a weird way. Sort of like The Addams Family with less goth. They're a loving family that ends up doing some weird shit. I love how weird the kids are and how accepting of the weirdness Bob and Linda are. 


All Hail King Julian. 
A few episodes in I remembered there was a Penguins of Madagascar show. Got excited to watch it instead. Realized it wasn’t on Netflix. Went back to King Julian out of spite. Show isn’t bad. Mort is the best part, honestly. Love that little weirdo. But the Penguins show was better in my opinion.


Garfield and Friends.

Still just a nostalgia watch for me. 


I talked about Psych before on a previous post. It's just a show I really enjoy. I put it on a lot as background noise when I'm doing other things but still catch myself getting sucked in a lot.


World’s Scariest Hauntings
Show about haunted places. Not a ghost-hunting show. I don’t watch those. Well, I watch one on YouTube but that’s it. The show basically just talked about haunted places and some supposed hauntings that happened there. I like these kinds of shows. Need more of them.


Boogeymen: Monsters Among Us
Still enjoying this show. I just really like cryptids. 


I skipped VUDU. Was not in the mood to deal with the Winchester family drama.


Watched a few videos from illuminaughti, some from Lazy Game Reviews, a couple North of the Border videos, and a couple from Mr Kravin.

illuminaughti does slight deep dive videos about MLMs, and shitty corporations. She also has a dog that she talks about a lot. Which makes everything better.

I watched LGR open a bunch of weird shit his viewers have sent him.

I watched North of the Border make a Lord of the Rings book nook, a Last of Us Mario mash-up, and a Baby Yoda and a sea monster.

And I watched Mr. Kravin play some horror games. He was a fly in one.

And that's what I've been watching lately. 

“I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn’t have one. So I got a cake.”
-Mitch Hedberg

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