Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Horror Movie Challenge

I found this on Pintrest and then hunted it down and found the original here

Day 1
First Horror Movie You Saw
No idea. But I do remember watching Killer Klowns From Outer Space when I was quite young. My older brothers had me convinced it was based on a true story and I was scared of clowns from that day on.

Day 2
Last Horror Movie You Saw
Watched both It movies and the mini-series in the past week. Oh gods. All were so good.

Day 3
Movie You Love No One Else Does
I honestly have no idea on most people's opinions. I know my friends opinions and we have similar opinions about horror movies.

Day 4
Goriest Horror Movie
I dunno. I'm not a big fan of gory horror movies so my brain doesn't remember them well.

Day 5
Favorite Horror Movie
I'm gonna say The Conjuring. It's the one I constantly rewatch when I'm in the mood for something spooky.

Day 6
Funniest Horror Movie
Shaun of the Dead

Day 7
Worst Horror Sequel
Nothing comes to mind... Everything I can think of that has sequels I either enjoyed or haven't watched yet. 

Day 8
Best Horror Movie Reboot
I was going to say Pet Semetary but I think that falls under a remake not a reboot. I dunno. 

Day 9
Best Horror Villain
I'm gonna say Pennywise/It mostly because I just watched those movies. But... He is a good villain. Fucking terrifying.

Day 10
Movie You Hate Everyone Loves
I didn't like the Exorcist but it seems to be well-liked by other people that aren't me or my friend Erica. Erica agrees with me. It was boring.

Day 11
Worst Horror Ending
I got nothing. Like, I can think of plenty of endings that made me unhappy, but they were still good endings for the movie. 

Day 12
Least Favorite Horror Movie
The Exorcist. I just didn't find it that entertaining.

Day 13
Movie You Have Not Seen
This would be a massive list... 

Day 14
Best Horror Sequels
The Conjuring sequels come to mind. As does Doctor Sleep.

Day 15
Worst Horror Movie Reboot
I don't know. I can't think of a reboot that I saw both the reboot and the original and disliked the reboot.

Day 16
Worst Horror Acting
The Breed. The 2001 movie with Bai Ling not the 2006 movie with Michelle Rodriguez. The plot of the Breed was pretty interesting. But the acting was just... Not good.

Day 17
Cheesiest Horror Movie
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
I'm counting that because my dumbass had to look up what counted as a cheesy horror movie and this was on the list and was like "Oh yeah! Loved that movie!"

Day 18
Worst Horror Movie Plot
I don't know. I even asked Ryan but we still have nothing.

Day 19
Best Horror Soundtrack
Does the Crow count as a horror movie? If so, the first Crow soundtrack. If not... Bride of Chucky soundtrack.

Day 20
Most Shocking Horror Movie
I'm gonna say Where's Rose just because that movie is super fresh in my mind and the twist shocked me. I have a bad tendency to figure out plot twists before they are revealed and no part of me thought that shit was gonna happen.

Day 21
Best 70s Horror Movie
(for reference for the next few questions - I do not keep track or remember when anything was released. Except for Korn's first album... And the first Star Wars movie... So for these I just looked up "--s horror movies" and picked a random one I enjoyed... So... don't come at me because I picked the "wrong" movie. Fuck you)
Carrie (1976)

Day 22
Best 80s Horror Movie
Pet Semetary (1989)

Day 23
Best 90s Horror Movie
Oh gods. This one is hard. I'm going to go with The Haunting (1999) for one major reason - memories of watching it the first time with my cousin and it actually scared us. 

Day 24
Best 00s Horror Movie
The Others (2001)
I still adore this movie. Just a nice spooky movie. Fantastic.

Day 25
Best Childhood Horror Movie
Ummm... Casper?

Day 26
Best Horror Genre
I had to ask Ryan what horror genre "spooky ghosty" movies fall under. He said "haunting" so I'm going to say that.

Day 27
Best Holiday Horror Movie

Day 28
Best Stephen King Movie
Just gonna go with It and It Chapter Two. Mostly because I just watched them and they are still fresh in my brain. But they were also fucking excellent movies.

Day 29
Best True Events Movie
The Conjuring

Day 30
Scariest Horror Movie
Wrong Turn.
And I say this not because the movie actually scared me, but immediately after watching the movie with my brother and some of his friends, they decided we should go off-roading on some West Virginian back roads. And we got stuck. For hours. In the dark. And one of his friends kept making comments about inbred cannibalistic rednecks were going to come eat us. So, yeah.

And done. This actually took a while for me to fill out cause I couldn't remember horror movies. But this was fun to fill out. See y'all next week.

“I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shishkabobs.”
-Mitch Hedberg

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