Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day Eight

Last time on Hades...

I got everything ready to build the shop. Let's see how that turned out.

Oh, too much for you, but not too much for me, eh?
Also, I love that Tom Nook has the little putting green and golf clubs in there. So cute. 
Oh yeah. Three possible residents want to come to the island but they are pansies and don't want to stay in a tent, so I have to build them houses. With furniture. But first, a bridge is needed.

Yay! Nook's Cranny is up and running!

Able Sister! It's an Able sister!

President Nook? I don't remember voting for him... 

Oops. Cut a tree too much and got a stump. Need to get a flimsy axe. Which, the flimsy axe will only cut into a tree three times (I think), which is what gives you different woods. The nicer axes will cut a tree down at three strikes. I always keep a flimsy axe on hand for wood harvesting. I forgot about that apparently. But, a stump is handy. Certain bugs hang out on stumps.

Woo! Bridge time!

“I am a veteran of the War on Christmas. I am just emerging from a battlefield strewn with dead trees and torn shreds of brightly colored wrapping paper.” 
~ Henry Rollins

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