Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day Seven

Last time on Hades

Let's see... Last time I was working my way towards getting the Nook's shop built. Let's see how I do on that this time.

First, I caught a bug.

And then a fish.

And another.

And another.

Saharah sells mystery rugs and flooring. You don't know what you're going to get. You just give her money and she gives you some random thing. I never get anything good. I always get some ugly ass rug that I sell to Nook's.

Well, shit. I will be keeping this one. I enjoy this one. Also, that polka-dotted thing is an "inflatable couch" that I lay down on. So I sold the "bed" (it was a cot for camping) I had and kept that thing cause it's cute.

Another fish.

Oh, Timmy, don't look so surprised. 

Found a spot for the shop! Which should be there next time I play! Wooo! One step closer to the Able Sisters! I hope. I really need some new clothes. 

And that's all for now. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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