Wednesday, November 9, 2022

I Watched These Things And I Think You Should Too

Time for another round of streaming recommendations!

Oh yeah. Changed the title of this series of posts or whatever.

To refresh, I give y'all six movies/TV shows/YouTube channels that I think are worth checking out and where you can stream them. I also try to give a list of warnings if there are any applicable. And then I ramble a bit about why I enjoyed each one.

Moon Knight

Available on Disney+

Violence, Temporary Character Death, Mental Health Issues

I knew basically nothing about Moon Knight before I watched this show. I knew there was a guy named Marc Spector that had D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder). And that Moon Knight had something to do with Egyptian Mythology. I had two friends telling me it was good, and as it’s a Marvel show I was of course going to watch it. But I didn’t expect much aside from me being confused.

Holy. Shit.

The show was just… soooooo gooooood.

I know next to nothing about D.I.D. I know the basics, so I cannot say how well the show did at representing the disorder. But as an outsider I can say it was interesting to watch how they did it. And Oscar Isaacs did a fantastic job playing two very different characters.

The designs for the gods were fantastic. I fell in love with Taweret at her first appearance. The costume designs were also fantastic.

Thanks to Rick Riordan’s Kane Chronicles, I knew a bit about Egyptian Mythology so I wasn’t super confused about any of that. Not sure how confused people who knew nothing about it would be. I feel like they did a great job at explaining who was who without it getting boring, but again, I know some shit so it might not have been enough of an explanation for some people.

Also, there is no reference to any of the other Marvel shows or movies, so if you’re behind (or haven’t watched any of it) you can easily jump in and watch this one without being confused or missing the point of things.

The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell

Available on Netflix

Very dark humor at times

This show is what would happen if Martha Stewart was part of the Addams Family.

Basically, the show focuses on Christine and the... 🤔 well, the weirdos that live with her. They’re puppets. Fantastic and weird puppets. And while things happen, Christine shows the audience how to make things. Food and crafts. The humor is hilariously dark. The whole show is beautifully done. Really wish there was more of it.

That Chapter

Available on YouTube

This is a true-crime channel, so a lot of murder, assault, pieces of shit human beings

This channel was recommended to me by a friend and I fell in love with it immediately. I like true crime stuff normally, but Mike is slowly becoming my favorite person to tell me about shit humans doing shit things to other humans. A few reasons for that. The accent. Mmm… Love me an accent. No matter what accent it is, if they are talking about something that interests me, an accent just makes it better. Can’t help it. Second, his shit humor. He makes bad jokes. Jokes that make you want to groan and facepalm. But, those bad jokes really break up the horrendous shit he is talking about so I like it. And third, his unapologetic way of insulting the criminals. Most true crime stuff I watch isn’t nice to the criminals, but Mike over there is calling them right cunts and I like that. Also, I fully enjoy the Life Insurance dance.


Available on Amazon Prime

Lots of murder. A whole lot of lying.

The show starts off with Shawn Spencer calling in a tip about a crime to the cops. And then he (stupidly) goes to the police station to ask about a reward. The cops think he had something to do with the crime because his tip was right. So he declares he’s a psychic. Cause that will work out. Oh. Wait. They believe him. And for eight years or so, he drags his best friend, Gus, along to crime scenes to help solve crimes.

There is so much I love about this show.

Shawn and Gus’s friendship is fantastic. Even though Shawn is a manipulative ass to Gus a lot of the time.

I think the humor is well done. Writing is great. And I loved all the characters. 

I don't like crime dramas really (aside from ones with Sherlock Holmes) but I do love me some crime comedies. And that is what I would classify Psych as. There is a crime. There is a good amount of comedy. And I love it.

Doctor Who

Available on HBOMax

Temporary Character Death, some violence, fearful situations

It took me awhile to get around to watching Doctor Who. I knew of it when I was a kid, but never watched it. Then, one night I left BBC America on and a couple episodes played. Water of Mars and Voyage of the Damned. I was hooked. I ended up getting Netflix just to watch it. This was back when the show was still on Netflix. Caught up on it all (well, the New Who stuff that started in 2005) in about a week. Which, at that point, Matt Smith was in his second or third season. It is such a good show.

Basically, Doctor Who is about the Doctor, a Time Lord that travels through space and time. Picking up strays and causing trouble by accident (mostly by accident).

This show is great. I don't think I can really shove it into a genre. There are sci-fi elements. Fantasy elements. Comedy. Drama. Historical fiction. So many genres are shoved into shows and it all seems to work. 

And, for those that do want to start watching it, you can just start with the series that started in 2005 and have no problems. There are nods to the older episodes and a few references, but not enough that it takes away from the show.

What We Do in the Shadows

Available on Hulu

Death, violence, sex…

One day I was sitting at my friend's house talking about how I wanted a comedy with vampires and werewolves and shit. And she replied with "Oh, do I have something to show you". Then we watched the What We Do In the Shadows movie (which is available for purchase on Amazon Prime and I highly recommend watching it as well, but it's not necessary to watch the show). The movie was fantastic, so I was super excited when a show was announced. And the show is just as great!
The show follows four vampires - Nandor, Laszlo, Nadja, and Colin Robinson- and Nandor's familiar - Guillermo - as a TV crew documents their lives. And their lives are hilarious. 
Characters are all great. Costuming is spectacular. 

That's all for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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