Wednesday, August 10, 2022

6 Fictional Places I Want to Explore In Real Life

(Even Though I Would Probably Die Within Minutes)

For some reason, my brain has a weird curiosity about fictional places. I want to know how big the streets are. How are the buildings made? Are the streets paved? I need to know! I would absolutely adore a thing like Google Earth Street View but for fictional places. Like, seriously. Someone make that. But until then, here are six fictional places that I would love to explore in real life. Though... because most of these are hellish places with wildlife and supervillains, I would probably die within minutes. But, those minutes would be fun!


Batman comics, movies, and video games 

I never really wanted to explore Gotham much until I played Arkham Knight. I spent waaaaay too much time just wandering around the city and checking out shit. Now I really wanna explore the whole city. 


Mass Effect: Andromeda 

Harvel is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Some animal would probably kill me five minutes after I start exploring, but damn… The place is beautiful. 


Dragon Age

Oh gods I loved the Hinterlands. I know there are a few people out there that complain about how it takes forever to get through, but I was sad to leave. I was super into finding all the landmarks and learning the lore. 

The Hidden Leaf Village

Naruto, Naruto: Shippuden, Boruto

Okay, this one is just for fan-fiction writing purposes. Seriously. I need to know the layout of that village. Maps just aren’t good enough!

The Finch House

What Remains of Edith Finch

So, that house is a little… dangerous looking. But fuck… I could spend days just looking at all the books without even taking them off the shelves. Find all the secrets. Just exploring the house over and over.


The Simpsons

I am just insanely curious about the ins and outs of Springfield. Where exactly is the Tire Fire? Is it close to the school? Because… breathing in the fumes of a tire fire would explain some things about that school… Or the whole town really.

That's all for this time. I'll probably come up with more of these. But for now, that's it. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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