Wednesday, July 27, 2022

30 Day TV Show Challenge (in one day)


I found this on Pinterest (I tried to find the original creator, which I believe is the @rhoana_ person, but I couldn't find an account to link to. The only one I found was a private account so I'm not sure if it's the correct one or not. If anyone has a source for this let me know so I can link it up) and I am a geek for filling out this kind of shit. Not doing it over 30 days though. Too easily distracted to remember to do it on the daily. And don't be surprised if this pops up again and my answers change.

1. A show that should have never been canceled

Castle Rock. Gods did I love that show. 

2. A show that you wish more people were watching

I have no idea what people are watching... Though, it would be nice if more people watched more unbiased news. Just a thought...

3. Your favorite new show

Uh... Does Moon Knight count? Fuck did I love that show.

4. Your favorite show ever

Probably Daria.

5. A show you hate

I can't think of a show I hate. There are plenty that I'm not a fan of. Plenty that aren't my cup of tea. But I don't hate them.

6. Favorite episode of your favorite TV show

Since I already said Daria was my favorite show, I guess I'll use that... Damn. There are so many fantastic episodes in that series. I think I'll go with Misery Chick. No reason. Cause like I said, there are so many great episodes, and I pretty much just went with a random one *laughs*

7. Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show

Dye! Dye! My Darling. I don't like Daria and Jane fighting. Especially over a boy.

8. A show everyone should watch

Well, now all my brain can think of is Daria. So. Go watch Daria.

9. Best scene ever

Gods, I don't know. There are so many solid scenes from TV shows. How about when Steven and Marc meet Taweret? That scene was pure gold. 

10. A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving

Ugh. Friends. And I blame Ryan. I will admit it's not a perfect show but it is still enjoyable and fun. Except for Ross. Fuck Ross.

11. A show that disappointed you

Big Bang Theory. I liked the first couple seasons or so, but was immensely disappointed when the guys all got into relationships and there was not a single nerdy girl among them. Yes, Amy and Bernadette are incredibly smart and that is awesome. But none of the women have any of the same interests or hobbies as their boyfriends/husbands. Which just annoys me. And it annoys me that the show is basically "Look, dudes like this nerd shit but chicks still think that shit is stupid." 

12. An episode you've watched more than five times

All the episodes of Daria. And all the episodes of the first two seasons of Supernatural. 

13. Favorite childhood show

The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. 

14. Favorite male character

Clint Barton. And I don't just mean from the Disney+ Hawkeye series. Clint in the animated Marvel shows is also sooooo awesome. Love him.

15. Favorite female character

Daria. Duh.

16. Your guilty pleasure show

I always assumed guilty pleasure was something you did in the dark of night where no one will see you. I have none of those. The closest I have is Say Yes to the Dress. Though I haven't watched any of it in years. I used to watch it a lot when I was baby-sitting my friend's kids. Me and the teen daughter would just sit and watch that and critique the dresses together. It was fun.

17. Favorite mini-series

Was Hawkeye a mini-series? How about House on Haunted Hill? One of those if so. If not... I haven't the foggiest idea what to say here.

18. Favorite cross over

Probably one of those cross-overs that Disney did with their teen shows back in the day. 

19. Best TV show cast

Doctor Who. 

20. Favorite friendship

Daria and Jane's friendship ranks pretty high on my list. As does Sherlock and Watson's from the various Sherlock Holmes adaptations I watch. And Shawn and Gus from Psych.

21. Favorite ship

The Ghost from Star Wars: Rebels. Oh! Wait. Y'all mean like... relationship ship. Oh. This is way more difficult. *thinks* Patrick and David from Schitt's Creek. 

22. Most annoying character

Ross Gellar from Friends. Wait, no. He wasn't annoying. He was fucking toxic. 

23. Favorite series finale

Shit. I don't know. I know for sure it wasn't the Friends series finale. Rachel should not be with Ross. Fuck Ross.

24. Best quote

Pretty much anything from Daria. That show was just so quotable. I think there were at least three solid quotes per episode.

25. A show you plan on watching

This is a damn massive list. Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, Ms. Marvel, Bad Batch, Titans... etc etc. I am way behind on things and I am very slowly trying to catch up.

26. Favorite reality show

I don't really have one. 

27. Best pilot episode

Daria, Schitt's Creek, Psych, and Elementary all had great pilot episodes in my opinion. 

28. First TV show obsession

I am gonna say Full House. Mostly because that is really the only show aside from cartoons that I remember watching as a kid.

29. Current TV show obsession

Hmm... I don't really have one at the moment. Ask me again later.

30. Saddest character death

Just gonna go with Bobby Singer.

That's all for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

After Midnight by Teresa Medeiros


Our sister is marrying a vampire...

When the ever practical Caroline Cabot first hears those words from the lips of her fanciful youngest sister, she accuses Portia of having a wild imagination.

But when she discovers their sister Vivienne is actually being courted by Adrian Kane, the mysterious viscount rumored to be a vampire, she decides to accept his invitation to a midnight supper and do some sleuthing of her own.

To both her delight and her dismay, she soon finds herself falling under Kane's bewitching spell. After all, what's a proper young lady to do when her sister's suitor arouses more than just her suspicions?

Book 1 in Teresa Medeiros's LORDS OF MIDNIGHT Series, which includes AFTER MIDNIGHT and THE VAMPIRE WHO LOVED ME


short scene where two men are threatening to assault the main female character

period typical sexism

There won't be much of a summary this time cause I cheated. *points to summary I stole from the back of the book* That's what the book is about. Good? Good. Might continue doing that cause I sort of suck at summaries.

As the summary says, everyone seems to think Adrian is a vampire. And you spend most of the book questioning whether or not he is. I won't be telling you. Go read the book if you want to know. 

Portia, the youngest Cabot sister at 17, fully believes he is a vampire. Portia is a riot and I love her. When she declares Adrian to be a vampire it is met with tales that are things like "Oh, is this like the time you saw mermaids? Or when you believed you were a changeling?" She was childish without it being annoying. I just loved her.

All three Cabot sisters were great in their own ways. And they were written to have a believable sibling relationship. Caring and loving, but still bickering and annoyed with each other at times.

Adrian has a lovely younger brother, Julian. And I think dramatics runs in the family. 

This is one of those romance books that goes hard on the flowery language for sex scenes. There are three sex scenes and it was all petals and staffs and stuff like that. I don't hate that kind of stuff, but it does make me laugh sometimes. 

In the end, Caroline and Adrian get their happy endings. Vivienne gets her happy ending. Though, Julian and Portia have to wait to get theirs. An inside source tells me it happens in the sequel. I'm the inside source, guys. I read the sequel. 

That's all for this week. See you next Wednesday. 👋🏻

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

20 Questions About Books

 I always liked doing those survey things that you could fill out and post on your MySpace bulletin boards. Don’t see them on Facebook very often, which is fine, I tend to avoid Facebook. I found a few on Pinterest under fun blog posts or something like that. And I think this was one of them. Not overly positive. My memory sucks.

I got this from: Emily the Book Nerd


It really depends on the type of series, in my opinion. I think if all the books are all focused on the same plot, five and under is a good number. But if it is just the same characters having different adventures, just keep going until the author runs out of good ideas.


I don’t mind them. Prefer if I already have the next book ready for me, but sometimes I don’t. I don’t get angry, just a little frustrated, and do a lot of dramatic sighing. And excited to get the next book.


Paperback just because they are easier to carry around. And I always need a book on hand. I love how hardbacks look on my shelf with their cute little dust jackets. But they get heavy in my purse.


Usually this question leaves me forgetting every book I ever read, but I decided recently that if I am asked this question I’m going to say Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman. It is definitely one of my favorites, so I feel it is a good enough answer.


The previous person put math textbooks which… yeah… But I also gotta add public school textbooks in general were pretty awful. Though, a West Virginia history textbook my kid had in eighth grade had a picture of the Mothman statue so it gets a pass. Cause, Mothman.


I am soooo fucking tired of love triangles. Unless you give me something new with the trope, I don’t want to read it. I almost stopped reading a Sabrina Jeffries (who's work I love) book because I thought it was going to be a love triangle. She changed the trope up and I really enjoyed the book. 


Oh gees. Okay… There was a paranormal romance I started recently that I got a few chapters in before I just couldn’t. And there have been quite a few Kindle books that I noped the fuck out pretty quickly. I am at a point in my life where I refuse to waste my time with bad books. And especially since I read so much fan-fiction. If someone can write a fucking fantastic piece of fan-fiction and expect no compensation aside from a few nice comments, then you all can write better books that you expect me to pay for.


Star Wars The New Essential Chronology by Daniel Wallace


I am not going to count any reviews I’ve done that say I recommend the book just cause it feels less personal or something. Instead I’m gonna go with Witch and Wombat. Went on a multi-text conversation with Ryan about how much I love the book and recommend he check it out.


I could say the Bible, but I never finished it. It was badly written, y’all. Soooo… I don’t really know… I’m just going to say Carrie by Stephen King for the moment and know that I’m probably wrong.


Uhhh… Well… I don’t know. I’m slow at everything so I rarely read a book when it first comes out. I am going to assume it was Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston.


This is a tough one, but I am going to say Lynsay Sands. I have absolutely adored every book of hers I have gotten to read, though I have missed a few of her non-Argeneau series books. Need to remedy that…


I buy books for the most part. I do occasionally borrow books from friends. I used to go to the local library constantly when I was younger, but… It is not a great library for various reasons.


I don’t know. What do other people like?


Bookmarks usually, but I have dogeared pages of books.


Witch and Wombat… Okay, look, it’s a great book.


Yeah. I have conditioned myself to be able to read under any circumstance.


If it’s well written, it doesn’t matter to me.


Depends on a couple different things. If it sucks me in and I got nothing else going on, I can read a book in one sitting. But sometimes I will put off finishing a really good book because I don’t want it to end.


I haven’t read it yet, but I pretty much bought The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates the other day because the cover had a picture of a spooky-looking house on it. I read the blurb before I decided to buy it, but I only picked it up because of the cover.

That's all for this week. See y'all next Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones


First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

Paranormal fiction with a bunch of straight people. Straight romantic subplot.

Short scene with non-consensual touching
Mentions of physical abuse
Graphic depictions of violence
Mentions of human trafficking
Mentions of child abuse
Mentions of child death

Oh my. That is a lot of warnings. Even with those warnings, this isn't really a dark book.

Charley Davidson is a grim reaper. The grim reaper. She is also a private detective. And does consultant work with the police department. She is a very busy woman. She is also badass and hilarious.

In this book, which is the first of a series, Charley is trying to solve the murders of three lawyers. And find this dude she met as a teenager. And deal with people thinking she is crazy because she can see and talk to ghosts. 

There is a wonderful cast of characters in this book. And it is a pretty large cast of characters. But it never really got confusing for me to remember who was who. Which is sometimes a problem for me, but it wasn't this time. I might have forgotten what a character looked like, but I remembered who they were. 

And while the book does touch on some pretty dark things (see warnings), most are just quick mentions and that's it. If each of those warnings had pages of details of what happened, I wouldn't have liked this book as much. 

Which, I really enjoyed this book. It is written in Charley's point of view and that girl has some fantastic inner thoughts. 

 There were two major plots going on at once. Both of which came to a conclusion of sorts in the last couple of chapters. And a subplot that also came to a conclusion at the same time as the major plots. The last few chapters were full of reveals and intense moments. But the ending didn't feel rushed like the writer was trying to tie up all the loose ends at once. I might have pushed one of the big reveals to the next book, just to keep people screaming for more, but that is just me. 

All in all, great book. Fun and easy to read. Well written with fantastic characters. I highly recommend it. And I really need to get the rest of the books in the series...