Friday, January 24, 2020


I got nothing for this week, so I'm just going to ramble.


Okay, so I started watching Schitt's Creek recently, and now I'm obsessed. Like, super obsessed. Like, I started reading fan-fiction obsessed. Like, I started writing fan-fiction obsessed. I do have a blog post planned out for the show, but I wanna wait until the end of this season.

I read a few books on my Kindle that I got for free. Most of them were bad. So bad. Bad enough that after one I gave up and started reading fan-fiction again. I might write up some reviews on GoodReads. Though, I feel bad about writing bad reviews, so I might not. Some were just so bad.

Speaking of Kindle books and fan-fiction, I recently read an Assassin's Creed fic that ended with a note that people could buy the work for Kindle, but it was cool, they changed the names of the characters. While it was a good fan-fiction, as a regular book, it would have been bad. If they were going to try to release it as an original work, it was going to need much more than some name changes. But that's probably a me thing.

Oh, I finished reading The Devil is a Part-Timer manga this week. Loved it. But, I feel like there were some unanswered questions in the end. For those that don't know, The Devil is a Part-Timer is about King Satan, a demon from another land, coming to Earth (Japan specifically). And while he's stuck in Japan waiting for his magic to come back, he works at a fast food place. There is an anime and a manga for it. Both are fantastic. Anime is only one season long. The manga is more complete. I recommend both. Warning, Netflix only has the subbed version of the anime, so if you don't like that, watch it somewhere else.

I really got nothing else. I'm tired and don't feel well. Hopefully, I'll have something better next week.

Also, according to my Grammerly tone detector, this post is sad. And I fully agree with it.

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