Thursday, January 9, 2020

And So It Begins...

First post.

Introduction post.

Bloggy woggy noggy foggy poggy moggy coggy zoogy doggie!

I am 100% not good at this introduction shit.

Okay. So, I’m Steph, and I like to ramble about stuff. Geeky stuff usually. I am the single mother to a teenager who shall henceforth be referred to as Short Round. I also have two cats, Wicket and Hawke. They’re assholes. Which should be obvious as they are cats.

I’m hungry, but that’s a me issue…

I’ve been doing shit online since I was a teenager. Had a TeenDiary (or was it TeenJournal? OpenDiary? Something. Can’t even remember, it’s been so long), MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal, VampireFreaks. Spent many sleepless nights on various message boards and OnChat. Met some cool people. Lost contact with them. Met the coolest person, dug my claws in and refused to let go of that one. Now I’m mostly on Tumblr, but it lacks a lot. Mostly boobs and penises after the Great Tumblr Purge of 2018 (is that right? Golly has it been that long?). Not that I was posting any of that, but I miss seeing the occasional boob and penis as I scroll. Anyways… Since Tumblr is either boring as shit, or annoying as fuck, I decided to start a new personal blog.

I probably won’t have much of a theme on here. I’m just gonna ramble and rant about stuff. I wanna stick to some sort of schedule, but I suck at that shit so who knows.

Things I will probably ramble/rant about will include video games, movies, books, fan-fiction (I read and write it so it’ll be both sides), writing, parenting, art, comics, anime/manga, and anything else that pops into my head.

I’ll probably also post pictures of various things. Probably mostly my cats. Cause they are adorable. And I love them. But I also sometimes leave my house and take pictures of the outside. So, if you like mountains, trees, and trees on mountains, boy do I have some pictures you’re gonna like.

I’m also going to try and post reviews and summaries of books, movies, TV shows, and video games. Reviews will be super simple and as spoiler-free as I can make them. Summaries will be full of my weird humor, foul language, and spoilers.

That’s all I got for right now. Check back weekly to see if I stuck to my schedule.

Oh! Come find me on other places of the internet:
Archive of Our Own

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