Saturday, February 24, 2024

This Week I...

 Hey. It's Saturday. Let's see what I did this week.



 Very little. Mostly things that will never see the light of day but I needed them out of my head.


Gods. A little fan-fiction. Reading wasn't my friend this week.



 Percy Jackson & The Olympians - finally watched the last two episodes. Fucking great show. Probably gonna do a blog post about it.

Resident Alien - I had, like, three seasons on my DVR so I figured it was time to watch it. Pretty good show so far. I'm still on season one, so we'll see how it goes. 

Murder, She Wrote

Mortal Kombat: Conquest - Did not have high expectations of this show. I mean, they spelled Conquest with a C. But it was entertaining, so I'll probably finish it. And be sad cause I read it ends on a cliffhanger...

An unhealthy amount of Stray Kids videos on YouTube, TikTok and Pinterest. I might have a problem. No one send help.


 Fucking nothing... I should play some Mortal Kombat...


 Ramblings about the first Percy Jackson book.


Anything Else?

 Not really. It fucking snowed last night/this morning. It was 60 degrees two days ago. Now there's snow. Stupid weather.

 That's all for this one. I feel like shit and am gonna go lay down and watch some YouTube.

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