Saturday, January 20, 2024

This Week I...

 Look at that. It's Saturday. Let's see what I did this week.


 A little. Mostly did some work on some blog posts. I did write a couple things in my prompt journal.


 Finished Monsters of West Virginia and Love Bites.

Read very little fan-fiction this week. Huh.


 Welcome to Raccoon City - Fun movie. Working on a blog post about it. Here's hoping I can finish it.

Caught up on the Percy Jackson show.

Watched some Elementary

Watched a whole bunch of Stray Kids videos. Oh, and not just their music videos. Just... videos with them in it... I... I regret nothing.


 Games on my phone.


My ramblings about some things I really like.

Anything Else? 

 Ugh. Weather is shit. Mental health is shit. It's all just shit.

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