Saturday, October 7, 2023

This Week I...

Well, let's see what I did this week.
Fucking nothing.


Basically nothing. It was not a good week for me to write anything (again).


I finished a Goosebumps book. Wasn't a big fan of it so I won't be doing a blog post about it. 
Read some fan-fiction, too. Of course. I read fan-fiction damn near every day it seems...


Columbo - I've been meaning to check out Columbo for awhile now. Ever since I watched Pushing Up Roses' video about the show. Then I was watching a Drawfee episode and they mentioned Columbo and I was like "It is time." Only watched the first three "episodes" but I really enjoyed it. 
Stuff on YouTube
I thought I watched something else but I cannot remember...


Monster Hunter Now - I hunt monsters now. This game is super fun. I never played any of the actual Monster Hunter games, but now I feel like I should probably check them out. 
Pokemon Go - I'm out of pokeballs now...
Sherlock - another mobile game. I was playing this one constantly a few months back and then just... stopped. And I regret doing that cause I love this game. It's a hidden object and a match-three game. With a background plot of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson going into classic books to solve mysteries. Fucking love it. 


Anything Else?

Kind of a shit week for doing anything.
Period started on Monday. So that took me down for a couple days. Then me and the kiddo got our flu shots, which I didn't have a reaction to, aside from my arm was sore where I got it. And of course I got it in the arm I sleep on because I forgot that was a thing I do (sleep... I forgot I sleep). So I slept like shit that night and the next day I was barely functioning. A friend came to visit on Friday and then I had to go to Walmart right after she left, so my social battery was dead by late afternoon and I just gave up on the day.

Oh yeah, I joined BlueSky thanks to Ryan. So, go follow me there if you want. 

And that's what I did this week. No idea what Wednesday's post will be. I got three days to figure it out. Here's hoping for something spooky, cause it's spooky month. Anyone got a good idea? Keep in mind I got three days and am already reading enough books. 😂

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