Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 20


Twice Bitten by Lynsay Sands
An Argeneau Novel

This was not the book I had planned for T. I had a Star Wars book planned. Even started reading it, but got cranky for reasons I won't rant about here. So, I dug out another Argeneau book, cause they make me happy.

This book focuses on Elspeth Argeneau and Wyatt MacKay.

Elspeth moved to Canada to get away from her controlling mother. She rents a room from Meredith, a sweet old lady. Everything seems to be going well until Elspeth is stabbed and comes home to find her mother and younger twin sisters have invaded her home. Made that stabbing not the worst part of her day. Then she meets Wyatt, Meredith's grandson. The thing is, she's met Wyatt before. She just doesn't remember it. And then someone keeps trying to kill her. Things seem pretty shitty for Elspeth. But hey! She met her lifemate! Again...

I really liked Elspeth and Wyatt. Elspeth was a tough character but also caring and kind. Wyatt took everything calmly, which was refreshing. No panic about any of it. 

Also, G.G. is fantastic and I love him.

As always with this series, great read.

I didn't much like Martine (Elspeth's mother) for what she did, but I enjoyed seeing another side to the immortals. She wasn't evil. She didn't do what she did to hurt her children. She is just a long-lived woman who suffered a great loss and did not cope well. I don't agree with her choices, but it was interesting to read. 

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