Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 18


Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin

Trigger Warning!
rape mentions ahead

Oh. This book.

Let me start by saying this was written in the 60s, and it shows. There were some words, phrases, and ideas that just aren't cool by today's standards.

Also, I have watched the movie with Mia Farrow a few times over the years. So, I knew what was going to happen from page one. I also feel like I've read this book before, but I could be wrong.

Now, for those that don't know, this book is about Rosemary. A young wife to an actor living in New York. Rosemary and her husband, Guy, move into a new apartment. Soon they meet their neighbors, an elderly couple named Roman and Minnie. Rosemary becomes pregnant. And in the end, she discovers she gave birth to Satan's son. Oh, and Roman and Minnie and all their friends are Satan-worshipping witches. Book ends with Rosemary rocking the baby and cooing over him.

Not sure if it was because I knew what was going to happen, or if Rosemary was blind to red flags. I mean, there were so many red flags that Rosemary could have made curtains, a set of sheets, and a few dresses from them all. 

Also, for some reason, I kept picturing Ray's parents from Everybody Loves Raymond (a show I've never watched a full episode of) as Roman and Minnie. No idea why. But it did send me into giggle fits at times. 

Out of everyone, Rosemary's husband was the worst. And that includes the Satanists and Satan himself. After he drugged his wife and let her be raped by Satan, he tells her the scratches on her body are because he fucked her while she was passed out drunk.
And in the end, he was like "They promised you wouldn't be hurt. And you weren't. Not really." Dude. She was drugged, raped by Satan and y'all made her think she was crazy! Oh, and you all killed one of her closest friends. All so you could be a famous actor. I would have applauded if Rosemary slit his throat. Actually, I'm just gonna pretend that's how the book ended. Cause fuck him.

This was... a frustrating read. I was just so angry at Rosemary's husband throughout the whole thing. And it was frustrating that she didn't kill him. But, it was a solid horror read. I also recommend the movie with Mia Farrow. I have not watched the newer mini-series yet so I have no opinion of it.

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