Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 13


Moon Fever
Featuring "Tempting Fate" by Susan Sizemore, "The Darkness Within" by Maggie Shayne, "Cobwebs Over the Moon" by Lori Handeland, and "Crazy for the Cat" by Caridad Piñeiro

Tempting Fate was good. I've read other books in this series, but it's been so long that I've forgotten pretty much everything. The story was good, but it felt too short. I wanted more.

I really enjoyed The Darkness Within. A haunted house mystery with a dash of romance? Yes, please.

Cobwebs Over the Moon felt like a prequel to a bigger story. No idea what else the writer has done. I should check that out.

Crazy for the Cat was good. Action-packed and enjoyable. 

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