Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 11


How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying) by Kerrelyn Sparks

A Love at Stakes book

Yet again, a book from the middle of a series. Oops.

Zoltan is a Romanian vampire. Which, my brain was like "Romanian? Sebastian Stan is Romanian! I shall be picturing him now." 

That did not work out for me. Instead, I was picturing Zoltan from The Witcher. For those that don't know who that is, he is a dwarf with a mohawk. I mentioned this problem to my friend and he mentioned Zoltar from Big. So, then I had that image in my brain. My brain was a mess.


Zoltan meets Neona, who is a member of a group of women who live in a hidden valley in Tibet. I think it was Tibet...

The women are tasked to protect something. A couple somethings. And don't trust outsiders. Especially men. And Zoltan has to convince them to trust him and his friends. 

I enjoyed Zoltan and Neona's banter. And that she had a pet snow leopard. Loved that snow leopard.

Fun read and I need to go back and read the books in this series that I missed.

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