Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Review: West Virginia Penitentiary

West Virginia Penitentiary West Virginia Penitentiary by Jonathan D. Clemins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars 

  This book is very informative with fantastic pictures. I've been to the West Virginia Penitentiary three times in the past 10 years. Once for an overnight stay (first time there and that is what I chose to do), once for a day-time tour, and once for a day-time paranormal tour. Each time I learned something new and was more fascinated by all the information about this place. And this book was full of things I didn't know. It was also a lot of fun comparing the prison from when it was in operation to what I see in my visits. Nothing like seeing the Sugar Shack full of lights and recreational materials, because when I saw it there was no light aside from our flashlights and I don't think my "this place be spooky, can we go?" was much in the way of recreation. Though, I think I'd rather go with spooky than what happened in that room...
If you have the interest, I highly suggest this book. And go on a tour of the place. All the tour guides are fantastic and knowledgable.

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