I shook the trees. I found bees... What sort of goodies are those, Isabelle?
I cannot remember what he sent me...
I love Celeste. I miss making constellations for her...
My brother was like that as a kid. He was constantly tearing things apart to see how they worked. And then forget how they went back together.
I love my monster statue... Who watches over my island.
It's freaking me out, too. Stop saying it...
Oh, I need that gold cat...
That's all for this one.
Also, as anyone who still pays attention to my ramblings on here, I haven't been posting weekly as I used to. Real life is kicking my ass. So, until further notice, instead of a new post every Wednesday, I'll just post whenever I have something ready to go.
If you're cool you can come follow me on Tumblr, where I am sort of vaguely a bit active. But only if you're cool. Non-cool people can find me on Facebook or something...