I know. I haven't been consistent. I will be trying to remedy that. Really. I swear.
Really, I've been putting way too much pressure on myself to make "awesome" posts and I need to stop that. So, hopefully, moving forward, I'll get a post out every week. Even if it's just something like this, where I'm rambling about random shit.
So, enjoy some rambling!
I spent a few hours last night trying to find some sort of reading/book challenge to do. But pretty much all the ones I came across required some sort of research on my part, which wasn't what I was going for. So, I'm doing an alphabet reading challenge. Basically, every book title or author has to start with whatever letter I'm on. Only requirement is that I own the physical book, really. Not gonna use any books I have on my Kindle. Mostly because I am trying to read more of my physical books so I can clean out my Books to Read Mountain. After I finish a book, I will write my thoughts about the book here. Which... Gonna just throw out this warning - I am not in the headspace to be reading romance novels. But I am stubborn and lazy so I'm not gonna dig out another book for A.
I've been having a shit couple of months so I'm hoping that between the reading, sharing my thoughts on the reading (to someone other than Ryan, who really should be pitied for how much of my shit he has to deal with) and Animal Crossing I can get through shit.
Which, my island on Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the best. Even though I just lost another villager. It's okay though. Trying to fill the island with lazy personalities or hamsters. Cause the hamsters in that game are friggin' adorable. I need to figure out how to share pictures on here. I'll get on that soon. Really. Cause I need to show off my island.
Okay, that's all I got for now. Umm... Go read my fan-fiction (Ooooo Linky Link) and tell me how awesome I am.