Thursday, April 15, 2021

6 Random Bits I Love in Video Games

 Note: Go here for a version of this post with gifs.

In case it hasn’t become obvious, I love video games. They’re fun and relaxing and let me live out a fantasy world where I actually do shit instead of staring at a wall thinking about doing shit. This is a list of random bits in video games that make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Slight spoiler for Mass Effect 3. 

The end. I get such a feeling of accomplishment when I finish a game. I am easily distracted. I lose focus on games a lot. So when I get all the way through and those end credits start rolling, I’m so proud of myself. And usually sad that it’s over. But mostly proud.

Petting Toby in Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes. If you put an animal in a video game and I’m gonna try to pet it. And petting Toby was even better because you got an achievement/trophy for it!

Meeting any historical figure in the Assassin’s Creed games. I’m a history nerd so I squeal like a fan-girl any time a historical figure strolls onto my screen while playing the Assassin’s Creed games. My favorite is probably Leonardo da Vinci. Though I sadly have only played up until Assassin’s Creed 3 and I’m probably missing out on a lot of historical figures. But I doubt Leo will ever get too low on my list of favorite real people in an Assassin’s Creed game. Even with all those pirates in Black Flag. Oh gods, I need to focus and get to that game. Need me some pirates in my life.

Getting anything accomplished in any Elder Scrolls game. Seriously. I get so distracted by everything in those games. I get lost when I can’t fast-travel to where I need to go. There’s always skulls and books I need to collect for my house. Random people are just standing around ready to send me on some random fetch quest. Children to adopt. It’s shocking that I get anything done. 

Using the Renegade Option to kill Kai Leng in Mass Effect 3. Fuck that guy. I hate him. I tend to play video games as a “Nice Guy”. Wait. No. I’m not a Nice Guy. I play as a good person. I avoid the mean dialogue options. I help every annoying little NPC that happens to mention needing help within my hearing range. I do the nice thing. All the time (well, most of the time). But the second that renegade option popped up I was on it. Fuck you, Kai Leng. Have fun in hell.

Getting an achievement/trophy. I’m not that focused on achievements. I spend pretty much no time trying to collect them. I think the only one I went out of my way to get was that Calendar Man one in Arkham City. Which was creepy as fuck, by the way. Loved it. But yeah. Achievements/trophies are not my goal when I play a video game. But gods if I don’t get all excited and make embarrassing noises when I get one.