Friday, October 16, 2020

6 Things That Are So Overdone in Fiction

Somethings are overdone in fiction. Sometimes, it's not that bad and I even enjoy it. This is not about those things, though. This is about the things that are overdone and people need to stop it. Stop it now.

Building a female’s character with rape and/or abuse

I know that shit happens and it is horrible, but I’m tired of damn near every female in fiction being either raped, abused, or both.

Strong Female Character refuses to even listen to a man because she is a strong independent woman and don’t need no man

It is awesome that you are a strong female. Great. But refusing to even listen to a man (who, in a lot of things I’ve read or seen, is their friend or lover) because you think they’re trying to control you (which most of the time they aren’t, and their plan would have worked out a lot better) makes you look like a stupid bitch. So stop. You don’t have to agree with them or use their plan or whatever, but at least give it a listen.

Miscommunication for drama. 

Miscommunication should be used for comedic purposes only. Not communicating falls under miscommunication for me. I am so tired of people just not communicating and all sorts of angst happens. Just fucking talk to each other, okay?

Tragic gay. 

Non-straight characters deserve happy endings just as much as straight people.

Families that hate each other

I can deal with teenage rebellion in fiction. I can deal with families arguing and fighting on occasion, but families that just seem to fucking hate each other is annoying.

Broody superheroes

New rule, you can have one broody superhero per group of five. And only if the brood is done well. But also, they can’t all be sassy and funny. There are other personality types. Use them.