Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day 26

Last time on Hades...

I bought a golden poop hat.

Oh, it's been awhile...

Yeah, yeah, let's move my house Nook!

Oh look! A black rose! I don't look up or know how to get the different flower colors. I just plant random flowers and wait to see what happens.

Oh my gods! Look at all my flowers! Later I'll dig up a few of the ones that there are a lot of the same color and so more new ones can grow.

Moving my house!


Sable gave me a new pattern. I love her.
Hey guys! So... I got a job. Which means a lot less free time to do all this. I am planning to finish up the Animal Crossing posts I already have over the next few weeks. After that I will see how my work/life balance is doing. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Books Q & A

Hello there! I came across this on my Tumblr from years ago (2012, I believe). So, I thought I would re-do it here.

1. Favorite childhood book?

Sideway Stories From Wayside School
by Louis Sachar.

2. What are you reading right now?

That is my Now Reading Stack. And let's see.... 

My writing prompt journal, ignore that. That is for writing, not reading. 

The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice. I'm finally to the point where Lestat becomes a vampire.

Radium Girls by Kate Moore. This one was recommended by my kiddo. Not too far into it, but it's interesting so far. Five stars for the descriptioins of the girls. 

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan. Artemis just showed up! Yay!

Single White Vampire by Lynsay Sands. Love this series. Love Lynsay Sands. 

Kong: Skull Island by Tim Lebron. 1 Star on descriptions, bro. 

Shards of Alderaan by Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J. Anderson. Boba Fett is in this one. 

Weird and Unusual Trivia. It's okay. 

Old Kindle full of fan-fiction. 

Tablet for reading new fan-fictions. 

Bottling It (A Wayfair Witches' Cozy Mystery) by A.A. Albright on the Kindle Fire. Pretty fun read so far.

3. What books do you have on request at the library?


4. Bad book habit?

Getting distracted by fan-fiction and forgetting I'm reading actual books...

5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?


6. Do you have an e-reader?

Yep. I actually have an old Kindle that I use just for fan-fiction. I download my favorites so I can re-read them all the time. And I have a Kindle Fire that I use just for the Kindle app.

7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

I used to be firmly a one book at a time reader. But... Now I read several at once. It actually works really well for me. Well... Maybe not really well. It works okay-ish for me. It's nice because if I am reading something that is a darker read and it gets to me, I'll read a bit on something with a lighter tone instead of just avoiding the first book or giving up on it. 

8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?

Not really.

9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far?)

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It was boring. So boring. Ugh. Boring!

10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?

Ummm... I can't choose. I read two Percy Jackson books that I love. And Good Omens which is such a great book. But, my favorite I've read so far this year that wasn't a re-read is probably Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper by J.L. Bryan. 

11. How often do you read out of your comfort zone?

I'm not sure...

12. What is your reading comfort zone?

I... I don't think I have one?

13. Can you read on the bus?

I am capable. Pretty sure I get motion sickness when I do, though.

14. Favorite place to read?

Probably in my bed...

15. What is your policy on book lending?

I'll lend books to my closest friends, but no one else.

16. Do you ever dog-ear books?

I usually don't, but do so sometimes with books that I have that are already damaged. 

17. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?


18. Not even with text books?


19. What is your favorite language to read in?

English. Because that is the only language I can read in...

20. What makes you love a book?

Interesting characters. Good writing. 

21. What will inspire you to recommend a book?

If you express an interest in reading and give me five minutes, I'll recommend every book I've ever read and thought was half-way decent.

22. Favorite genre?

I'm not really sure. Maybe fantasy or paranormal romance. Gods, give me a fantasy paranormal romance with queer characters and I will swoon. Oh, maybe with a mystery in there?

23. Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?)

I need to read more non-fiction stuff that isn't true crime. 

24. Favorite biography?

I don't think I have one...

25. Have you ever read a self-help book?

Not that I remember...

26. Favorite cookbook?

The TikTok Twink's book! I love him.

Baking Yesteryear by B. Dylan Hollis for those that have no idea what I'm talking about.

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?

Ummm... The Lightning Thief. Percy Jackson inspires me to be sassier.

28. Favorite reading snack?

Chips and snack crackers, I suppose.

29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience.

I can't think of any time this happened.

30. How often do you agree with critics about a book?

I don't really pay attention to critics opinions about anything...

31. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?

I don't like to do it. There is enough negativity on the internet and I don't like to add to it. If I dislike something I will bitch to my friends, but I won't focus on it online. Also, just because I didn't like something, doesn't mean it's bad. It just wasn't for me. And that's fine. Not everything is for me. 

32. If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you choose?

Korean. But not so I could read books in Korean. Mostly so I could read the captions on K-Pop related videos on YouTube. And help Ryan practice his Korean.

33. Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?

Umm... I dunno... Uh... The Stand?

34. Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin?

Can't think of a single one.

35. Favorite Poet?

Lee Know from Stray Kids. That poem he wrote about potatoes was beautiful...

36. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?

Uh. Now... none... I should really start going to the library again...

37. How often have you returned book to the library unread?

Fairly often.

38. Favorite fictional character?

Oh my gods... There are so many... umm... Let's see... I am going to say Nico di Angelo.

39. Favorite fictional villain?

*stares at my bookshelves for two days* Percy's Grandpa.

40. Books you’re most likely to bring on vacation?

I'd just take my Kindles. Got a whole shit load of books to choose from on one, and all my favorite fan-fiction on the other. Easier than carrying a stack of books.

41. The longest you’ve gone without reading.

Too long.


42. Name a book that you could/would not finish.

Most recently I gave up on finishing a book about Albert Fish. I tried, but after awhile I just couldn't deal with it anymore. 

43. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?


44. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?

Winnie the Pooh.

45. Most disappointing film adaptation?

Percy Jackson movies. Like... Ugh. No. The show is fantastic though. Totally recommend that shit. Ignore the movies though.

46. The most money I’ve ever spent in the bookstore at one time?

Like 100 bucks. Back when I got gift cards for Barnes and Noble for holidays. 

47. How often do you skim a book before reading it?

Umm... Never. I will read the book blurbs most of the time, but I won't, like, open it up and skim through the pages.

48. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?

I assume you mean stop reading it completely, because I will stop reading books to set them aside and read later because I'm not in the right headspace for it at the time. But... To completely stop reading, various things.

49. Do you like to keep your books organized?

Sadly, I don't have enough space to keep my books very organized. But gods do I want to organize them...


50. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?

Depends. If I liked it enough that I can see myself reading it again, then I'll keep it. Otherwise I'll give them away.

51. Are there any books you’ve been avoiding?

One of the Trials of Apollo books. I know what happens and I don't like what happens.

52. Name a book that made you angry.

Night Stalker or whatever by some guy. That book about Richard Ramirez. Fuck that book.

53. A book you didn’t expect to like but did?

I honestly can't think of one. 

54. A book that you expected to like but didn’t?

Again, can't think of one.

55. Favorite guilt-free, pleasure reading?


56. Favorite book of all time?

Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman. 

That's all for this one!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day 25

Last time on Hades... 

Flick was on my island! And that was basically it...


It's a hunting trophy...

She loves me.

Sable is so adorable. 

Is that the Golden Turd from Family Guy?

What the hell Rudy? Also... ignore the mess. I ran out of inventory space...

Does Gulliver look different or am I going crazy?

Yay! Now I can... Shit... should I move my house or make it bigger? Choices choices. I'll decide next time.

That's all for this one.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Disney Movie Tier List

 Hello there! I made another tier list!

Linky Link

List and thoughts are below. Sometimes the thoughts are actually about the movie.

Did not list the "haven't seen" tier. Did not see the point.

Tiers are not in any sort of order. I was not that determined...



Alice in Wonderland

Probably not my favorite Alice in Wonderland adaptation, but I still love this movie. For those that are curious, I think the Hallmark Alice in Wonderland is my favorite adaptation.

Peter Pan 

I love almost everything Peter Pan related so of course this movie is high on my list.

Robin Hood 

This is why there are so many furries now. Y'all made a fox Robin Hood and expected us to be cool about it?

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

I have a soft spot for anything Winnie the Pooh.

The Great Mouse Detective 

People do not talk about this movie enough. It is such a great movie. Five stars.

The Little Mermaid 

Watching this as an adult is weird because I am just shouting "You are a child!" at Ariel constantly.


This was a favorite when I was a kid and I still love it. Though it does make me sad cause Robin Williams...

Fantasia 2000 

I love the Fantasia movies. The art and the music and ugh I love them.

The Emperor's New Groove 

This is one of my favorite Disney movies. It is just the best. Absolutely. I wanna watch it right now.


Fun fact, my elementary music teacher had us watch Night on Bald Mountain every year and draw something from the short.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire 

I need to watch this again because my memory of it is a bit fuzzy, but I do remember really enjoying it.

Lilo & Stitch 

Another one of my absolute favorites.

Treasure Planet 

Space. Pirates.

Winnie the Pooh 

A book I was reading referred to a woman's genitals as her "honeypot". I haven't been able to watch Winnie the Pooh since. I hate that book... I miss Winnie the Pooh.


Lady and the Tramp 

Y'all remember that part where the rat got into the baby's room? That scared the shit out of me as a kid...

The Sword in the Stone 

I need to watch this movie again.

The Rescuers 

You could see boobs in the original version of this movie. The mice walk by a painting that has a topless woman at one point. Pretty sure that got edited out at some point.

The Rescuers Down Under 

I watched this movie a lot as a kid. Watched it more than the first movie.

Beauty and the Beast 

Great movie, ugliest Disney prince. At least Belle was hot.

The Lion King 

I really liked the hyenas. And Timon and Pumbaa. I really like sidekicks in movies...


sometimes when I watch this movie I just think "How is he holding that vine?"

Meet the Robinsons 

That bit with the T-Rex talking about their tiny arms lives rent free in my head.

Princess and the Frog 

I love Charlotte. Tiana was great as well, but I love the sidekick characters.


This was one of my kiddo's favorite movies as a child. It was one of the only ones I didn't mind watching 20 times a day.

Wreck it Ralph 

I love the villain support group.


This is the result of us all watching Robin Hood as children. Which means, the kids that grew up with this will also be furries. Good for them.


I need to watch this one again. I remember liking it, but I remember very little about it.

Ralph Breaks the Internet 

I need to watch this one again, too.


Sleeping Beauty 

Did Maleficent really do all of this just cause she didn't get an invite to a party for a baby?

101 Dalmatians 





I loved this movie as a kid... And then I learned all the inaccuracies and I kind of just side-eye it.


This one took me years to watch and I have no idea why. It was a good movie.

Chicken Little 

This one was about aliens, right? Shit, time to rewatch.


Okay. Frozen was a great movie. I really enjoyed it. But dear gods I cannot listen to Let it Go anymore. Please. No more.

Big Hero 6 

Was there a cat in this one? I feel like there was a cat. I loved that cat.



Jungle Book 

Movie was good. Preferred the live action.

Oliver and Company 

I remember very little about this one. There was a cat. And some dogs...

The Hunchback of Notre Dame 

It was okay *shrugs*



I don't hate this movie, but it's very low on my list.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 

Not sure if I have mentioned this on here, but I hate Snow White's voice... Just... nails on a chalkboard to me.


There was a cat. And a goldfish...


I was side-eyeing this movie the minute it claimed Hera was Hercules's loving mother...


*slaps hand on movie* You can fit so much racism in this movie about a flying elephant.


 Fox and the Hound 

Fuck this movie. Makes me sob like a baby every time I watch it.


I remember nothing about this movie aside from the fact that I watched it, so...

Home on the Range 

Didn't Rosanne voice a cow in this? I remember watching this... And that's it.


Me and my brother used to watch this every year during hunting season. Did not realize how fucked up that was until I was a teenager.

That's it for this one. Now I'm gonna go watch some Disney movies.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day 24

Last time on Hades...

Kicks was on the island. I bought a stereo.

Flick! Oh Flick!

I do! I do want to commission a piece of your art!

I caught three wasps just for this...


Oh... I just took pictures of Flick... Oh well. 
That's all for this one.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day 23

Last time on Hades...

I finished a fossil. And that was about it.

Woo! Kicks!

Hi, Kicks! Gimme shoes.

I am indeed.

I look like Chucky... 

Some of these DIY recipes are weird. Super excited about the stone archway though. 
That's it for this one. Maybe next week I'll have something other than Animal Crossing pictures...