Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

I shook the trees. I found bees... What sort of goodies are those, Isabelle?

I cannot remember what he sent me...

I love Celeste. I miss making constellations for her...

My brother was like that as a kid. He was constantly tearing things apart to see how they worked. And then forget how they went back together.

I love my monster statue... Who watches over my island.

It's freaking me out, too. Stop saying it...

Oh, I need that gold cat...

That's all for this one.
Also, as anyone who still pays attention to my ramblings on here, I haven't been posting weekly as I used to. Real life is kicking my ass. So, until further notice, instead of a new post every Wednesday, I'll just post whenever I have something ready to go.
If you're cool you can come follow me on Tumblr, where I am sort of vaguely a bit active. But only if you're cool. Non-cool people can find me on Facebook or something...

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Last time on Hades:

Got a new room on my house.

Just a note, the formatting went a bit wonky on this one and I am too mentally exhausted to figure out how to fix it. Sorry?

Oh, Gullivarrr...
This villager lives in a laundromat apparently...
I always feel so bad for startling Wisp...

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

6 Things That Won't Get Their Own Post - Part 6



The Labyrinth (2021)

Not the David Bowie movie. Though I do find that movie quite enjoyable. This one is the Korean movie based off of the video game White Day: A Labyrinth Named School. Basic plot is a group of students enter a school at night and have to deal with *spooky voice* ghooooosts.

Movie was a fun watch. A few changes from the game but oh well, that shit happens. Though, the special effects did not seem to be up to 2021 standards. Just a fun horror movie watch that wasn't overly great or overly bad. I do highly recommend the game. If you don't wanna play it, there are some great playthroughs on YouTube (I made a playlist).


Scream 3

I had watched this one before, but all I could remember was the Jay and Silent Bob cameo. Not a bad entry into the series, but... Not a great one either. Better than The Blair Witch Project, though 🤷


Scream 4

 The opening for this one had me screaming in annoyance. Like holy shit. I thought the whole movie was just gonna be girls getting murdered before the Stab title flashed across the screen. But no, I got an actual movie. Which was pretty good. I am almost positive that the big twist ending was ruined for me, but I forgot until it was revealed. 



I watched the trailer for the new Venom movie. Remembered I had never watched the second Venom movie. So I watched the first Venom movie. Because my decisions make a lot of sense...

I love this movie.

Over the Garden Wall

I heard this show compared to Gravity Falls a lot, and I love Gravity Falls. So I figured it was worth checking out. Good show. Fun, short, a bit twisty. Oh, and Elijah Wood is there!

Cutie and the Beast 

by E.J. Russell

A banished fae decides to become a psychiatrist to the supernatural community. Then his receptionist goes on maternity leave and he needs a temp. The temp that is sent is a human who doesn't know anything about the supernatural world. And they are gonna kiss. 

This was a fun read.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Last time on Hades

Finished my T-Rex! Woooooo!


Wow. Seven bells. I get more when I shake trees...

Who is Eunice?

Dude has a rad house...

You can't tell from pictures, but the fish move! I love it!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Last time on Hades

Claudia moved in. Caught some fish. Pancakes.


Ignore my eye. Bees got me.

I always feel so bad for scaring Wisp.

So awesome... 😍

That's all for this one.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Last time on Hades

I got a new room on my house, invited a new villager to move onto the island. And I caught a bunch of bugs and fish.


Woo! New villager!

I have been making wreaths anytime I get a recipe for one and hanging them up. And then I thought I lost my wreaths because I was looking around the room and couldn't see them. They are above my character's eye line... But yeah. Wreaths!

Not a great shot of Wisp, but yay! Wisp!

We're just stargazing together...

Yeah. Agree.
 That's all for this one. See y'all next week.